Book of Abstracts

Page 3 Welcome to the 4th Annual Cancer Diagnostic Technology Summit 2023. In this Book of Abstracts you will find abstracts for each presentation and brief biographies of each speaker. [Regrettably, at the time of publication one or two abstracts were still missing but we will add these back if possible] Please note that the abstract and biography information remains the copyright of each author. You should not share, publish or otherwise transmit this information without the written consent of the author. I would like to express my thanks to a number of people. Firstly to LifeArc for generously sponsoring this conference and for their commitment to the objectives of the conference - facilitating the adoption of new technology for the early diagnosis of cancer. Secondly to all the authors of the conference presentations. Your hard work in producing your conference contribution is very much appreciated, as are your efforts in developing new cancer diagnostic tests. Finally to Ian Cree and Pedro Estrela for help in developing the program, and to Maryam Daneshpour and Suzanne Sisto Brand for doing the background research. The Conference would not have happened without you. I hope you will find the conference interesting, valuable and inspiring. Your comments after the event are invited and are always appreciated. Michael Brand PhD SM FRSC Conference Chair