Book of Abstracts

Page 9 Optical biosensing of hypermethylated DNA biomarkers in urine for early cancer diagnostics Dr MarkVerheijden1 and Dr Luc Scheres2 1. Qurin Diagnostics 2. Surfix Diagnostics Qurin Diagnostics and Surfix Diagnostics form a partnership with the aim to develop a platform for diagnosis of cancer starting with urine as liquid biopsy. Specifically, hypermethylated DNA markers will be used to allow early diagnostics. Qurin works in 3 pillars: biomarker discovery, PCR development and optical biosensing. In the biomarker discovery pillar, Qurin developed an AI-based bioinformatics pipeline to analyze (public) datasets to distill the most relevant biomarker panels for cancer detection. In the PCR development pillar, these panels are translated into methylation specific PCR (qMSP) IVD tests.The first qMSP test is currently in the Design and Development process, aiming to bring selected high performing biomarker panels to the patient as soon as possible.This approach will pave the way for future market entry of the optical biosensing platform, which will provide faster, cheaper and lab-free analysis with no need for bisulfite conversion.The optical platform is being co-developed together with Surfix diagnostics. It consists of a read-out system as well as a disposable microfluidic cartridge containing the small (3x3.5mm) optical chip which allows a 6-plex detection with internally referenced sensors.These chips are transformed to highly sensitive biosensors by Surfix’ wafer-scale, surface selective coating technology and subsequent probe immobilization. Mark L.Verheijden, PhD Program Director Biosensing Mark studied chemical engineering with a master in material science. His PhD has been at the interface of supramolecular chemistry, material science and biology. He studied the interactions of cells, viruses and peptides at functionalized sensor surfaces. At Qurin Diagnostics, he applies this multidisciplinary background to develop a highly sensitive biosensing pipeline for the detection of methylated DNA in urine for cancer diagnostics. In his role as program director, he oversees the technological development of both the urine sample preparation and the biosensing.