SensNews November 2018

Sensor100 November 2018 8 Sensor 100 Events The Future of Biosensors in Healthcare Call for Papers The 6th Annual Sensors in Medicine and Healthcare Conference will attempt to answer the question:“What is the Future of Biosensors in Healthcare?” ƒ ƒ Wearable technology, e.g. for glucose monitoring ƒ ƒ PoC in hospital, doctors office or home ƒ ƒ Linear flow and paper technology ƒ ƒ Antimicrobial resistance sensors ƒ ƒ Cancer diagnosis ƒ ƒ etc. If you have a leading edge technology which can change healthcare practice, we’d like to hear from you. Send a brief abstract to We will use a modified Delphi technique to help the audience predict the future of biosensors in healthcare Come to Sensors in Medicine 2019 Meet old and new friends | Learn what is new and trending in biosensor technology | Help predict the future of biosensors Sensors in Medicine 2019 Central London Bridging academic clinical and commercial worlds