SensNews April 2020
Sensor100 2020 10 Best CoronavirusTesting Stocks:Abbott, Quest Or Chembio Diagnostics? Demand for coronavirus test kits has significantly outstripped supply thus far, and the stocks of companies providing testing equipment and services have generally outper- formed the broader market index.While the stock price of Abbott labs has gained 9% year-to-date as of 24th April, with Quest Diagnostics up by 1%, smaller-cap stocks in the diagnostics space such as Co-Diagnostics and Chembio are up 15x and 2.5x respectively.The S&P 500, on the other hand, is down 12% year-to-date. For more details on the stock price and fundamental performance of some of the key U.S. listed companies with exposure to coronavirus testing, view our indicated list of Coronavirus testing stocks. Forbes 29 April Can Health Sensors Help Prevent A Coronavirus Infection? Bertalan Meskó, MD, PhD,The Medical Futurist Institute asks that with all these ad- vances in technology, can’t your wearable detect an infection like COVID-19? This is exactly what certain tech companies are asking and they’ve teamed up with researchers to investigate the possibility. More than just detecting such an infection, wearables can more effectively monitor infected patients or even reveal previously unknown associations with COVID-19.Without further ado, let’s see what promise those tiny computers hold in the fight against the novel coronavirus. The Medical Futurist 23 April
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