SensNews April 2020

Sensor100 2020 6 Diagnostics Community Continues Consorted EffortsTo Address COVID-19 As SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) continues impacting individuals and communities on a global scale, the diagnostics community is working around the clock to provide both relief and solutions.Their latest efforts include 3D-printed swabs, biosensors that de- tect COVID-19 in less than one minute, and much more. DiagnosticWorld 24 April MicroGenDX Offers COVID-19 SalivaTest; MoreThan 20,000 SamplesTested MicroGenDX has validated a real-time Reverse Transcriptase PCR (rRT-PCR) assay for the specific detection of the COVID-19 virus. MicroGenDX’s Lubbock,Texas-based lab is conducting COVID-19 testing using sputum samples, which the company’s CEO, Rick Martin, says is one of the more effective methods of testing for the virus. DiagnosticWorld 22 April Mayo Clinic, Beaumont Health,And More: Diagnostics Commu- nity Continues Fight Against COVID-19 The diagnostics community continues to aggressively research and innovate for SARS- CoV-2 solutions. The latest this week includes research on saliva-based detection, CRISPR diagnostics, serological testing, and much more. Diagnostic World 17 April Broad Institute Researchers DevelopViral Detection Platform Based on Microfluidics, CRISPRTech Broad Institute researchers have developed a CRISPR-based molecular diagnostics plat- form using microfluidics chips for the detection of viruses in human samples.A single chip has the capacity to detect a single virus in more than 1,000 samples at a time, or to search a smaller number of samples for more than 160 different viruses — including SARS-CoV-2, the virus responsible for the COVID-19 pandemic. GenomeWeb 29 April