SensNews June 2020
Sensor100 2020 16 Users of Oura’s smart health tracker ring first dis- covered its coronavirus detection benefits The Oura ring costs upwards of $300 and measures and logs data ranging from sleep and body temperature to heart rate and respiratory function. Researchers said the device has been successful in recognizing Covid-19 symptoms up to three days in advance with 90% accuracy. When the NBA travels to the Orlan- do bubble to resume their season, the league is providing players and staff with a smart ring that can help as an early predictor of coronavirus. But the Oura health tracker ring was not orig- inally intended to detect coronavirus and it happened almost by surprise, the company’s CEO said. The titanium ring was originally intended to provide its users with an overall picture of their health by looking at their movement, sleep and other functions. But its users began noticing that changes in their overall health score could be early predictors for illness. CNBC June 23
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