SensNews June 2020
17 Sensor100 2020 Primary Care Telemedicine Arrives in the U.K.: ‘10Years of Change in OneWeek’* The virus pandemic has changed how we live in a number of ways, includ- ing how we seek medical advice. In the UK, with free at the point-of-use medicine, patients are used to seeing a doctor anytime for whatever pur- pose. This, of course, vastly overloads the system, resulting in GPs re- tiring early and new doctors being reluctant recruits, all of which makes the problem worse. Pre-pandemic, this problem was solved by rigorous rationing of GPs appointment times so receptionists gained often unde- served reputations of ferocity. During the pandemic, UK GPs have suddenly become aware that they can do 70% - 90% of what they do by email or telephone or video - telehealth. Enthusiasts claim this is the breakthrough telehealth needed and that once the virus pandemic is over, we will never revert to the bad old days of GPs mostly seeing their patients face to face. Primary care in the USA follows a different pattern. GPs are less common, and there is direct access to specialists but of course none of this care is free - insurance schemes usu- ally include a provision that the patient pays some of the cost to ration the service. [over] * NewYorkTimes April 4
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