SensNews June 2020
Sensor100 2020 8 The 7th Annual Sensors in Medicine 2020 Conference will take place on a virtual platform. Dates: 20 - 23 October from 2:00pm to 5:00 pm daily Program ¤ Covid-19 sensors ¤ Paper and Linear flow sensors ¤ Wearable sensors ¤ Ingestible sensors Each day's program will include talks by leading academic and commercial speakers, Q&A sessions, presentations by sponsors and breaks. The virtual conference platform will allow interactions between delegates before, during and after the conference. This is an opportunity to build a network beyond the possibilities available at live conferences. Posters Graduate students and others are encouraged to submit posters for inclu- sion in the virtual poster competition, to be judged on-line by conference delegates, with 3 awards of the coveted Sensor100 trophy. Send titles to Sponsors & Exhibits Conference and each day sponsorship is available. Exhibitors can have an on-line exhibit with access to delegates. Enquiries to: Fees The conference is FREE , but delegates will need to register - registration opens later in July
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