July 2015
Food &Agriculture
3D-printed ‘smart cap’ uses electronics to sense
spoiled food
UC Berkeley engi-
neers, in collabora-
tion with colleagues
at Taiwan’s National
Chiao Tung Univer-
sity, are expanding
the already impres-
sive portfolio of 3D
printing technology
to include electrical
components, such
as resistors, induc-
tors, capacitors and
integrated wireless
electrical sensing sys-
tems.They have put
the new technology to the test by printing a wireless “smart cap” for a
milk carton that detected signs of spoilage using embedded sensors.
Berkeley NewsJuly 20, 2015
What if your fridge knew when the milk was off?
Professor Krishna Persaud of the University of Manchester is one of
the scientists currently looking for ways to teach machines to smell.
He has found a way to replicate proteins which respond to smell, and
in collaboration with a group at the University of Bari, IT, has coupled
them to the gate of a transistor.
Read more...UC Berkeley engineers created a ‘smart cap’ using 3D-
printed plastic with embedded electronics to wirelessly
monitor the freshness of milk.(Photo and schematic by