July 2015
Technology News
ACSTo Launch New Journal On Sensor Science
The American Chemical Society plans to begin publishing a new
online-only journal,ACS Sensors, with the first issue due for release
in January 2016. J. Justin Gooding, profes-
sor and deputy head of the University of
New SouthWales’s School of Chemistry
and founding codirector of the Australian
Centre for NanoMedicine, will serve as
the inaugural editor-in-chief.
The peer-reviewed, monthly journal will
focus on interdisciplinary research from
across the rapidly burgeoning field of
sensor science.The journal will publish
on seminal advances in areas including
chemical, gas, intracellular, and single-
molecule sensors; biosensors; cell chips;
arrays; and microfluidic devices.
Chemical & Engineering NewsJuly 22
How noisy are graphene biotransistors?
Graphene field-effect transistors (GFETs) could make good biosen-
sors but before they can be employed in such applications, research-
ers need to quantify the thermal noise limit in these devices. A team
at Oregon State University and Cornell University has now done just
this by measuring the impedance between a graphene sheet and the
liquid it is immersed in.
nanotechweb.orgJuly 24 2015
Prof. Justin Gooding