April 2017
Targets Early Diagnosis of Cancer
The early diagnosis of cancer - which will affect 1 in 2 of us - dramati-
cally increases survival rate. This suggests that research into better
diagnostic tools should be an urgent priority, and indeed that is the
case in the USA. Although only about 25% of the US cancer research
budget is for diagnosis, there is significant activity in liquid biopsy,
DNA sequencing, and machine learning to advance early stage diag-
nosis. Emergence of interest in diagnostic methods has been slower
in Europe, with some notable exceptions. However, developing the
technology is only part of the problem; it is also necessary to over-
come significant regulatory and clinical hurdles to get new technology
adopted into healthcare practice.
is undertaking three inter-related projects to advance the
early diagnosis of cancer:
International Conferences
Following the
Workshop we held in 2016,
will be hold-
ing a 2-day conference,
Sensors for Cancer Diagnosis,
in London
in May - we will try to engage as many diagnostic technology projects
as possible. Additional conferences are planned for 2018
Mapping the DiagnosticTechnology Space
plans to map the global effort in development of new can-
cer diagnostic tools, and use that resource to rank the relative impor-
tance of those methods in clinical oncology
Formation of the Cancer Diagnostic Network
We have launched an open innovation network intended to link global
activities in cancer diagnostic developments - still in its early stages -
designed to create awareness and find solutions to common problems.
The CDN will have a quarterly Newsletter - see a sample of news
items on
Page 9Whether or not you are involved in developing cancer diagnostic
tools, help us promote this technology; it will benefit all of us.
Cancer Diagnosis