April 2017
Rapid BloodTest for Malaria
Jan van den Boogaart and Oliver Hayden
of Siemens Healthineers hav been nomi-
nated for the 2017 European Patent
Malaria is one of the ten deadliest dis-
eases of our time and is diagnosed in
only 10% of all cases. Changing the para-
digm, Dutch haematologist Jan van den
Boogaart and Austrian biochemist Oliver
Hayden developed the first automated, computer-based blood test for malaria. Com-
bining medicine and information sciences, the test is based on a computer algorithm
that detects infections with unprecedented accuracy.
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QualcommTricorder XPRIZE NamesTwoWinners
The QualcommTricorder XPRIZE announced winners at a ceremony on April 12. Final
Frontier Medical Devices and Dynamical Biomarkers Group were both named winners.
Final Frontier Medical Devices, a Pennsylvania-based team led by brothers Dr. Basil
Harris, an emergency medicine physician, and George Harris, a network engineer, took
home the 1st place, receiving $2.6M for their artificial intelligence-based engine,
DxtER, that learns to diagnose medical conditions by integrating learnings from clinical
emergency medicine with data analysis from actual patients. DxtER includes a group of
non-invasive sensors that are designed to collect data about vital signs, body chemistry
and biological functions.This information is then synthesized in the device’s diagnostic
engine to make a quick and accurate assessment.
XPrize 12 April