February 2017
Developing more effective, earlier stage, diagnostic tools for
cancer is among the world’s leading technology challenges. One
in two of us will be diagnosed with the disease - the earlier the
diagnosis is made, the greater the chance of a cure.
Sensors for molecular, protein, cellular biomarkers
Sensors for VOC biomarkers in breath, urine
Biomarkers for cancer: what we know and need to know
Alternative early diagnostic technology: liquid biopsies; cancer
screening; CTCs
Barriers to adoption of sensor technology
The future outlook: screening; monitoring of pre-diagnosed disease;
diagnosis; diagnosis of pre-symptomatic disease;
companion diagnostics
The role of the Cancer Diagnostic Network
Abstracts should conform to the
GuidelinesClosing date March 10th
Following Sensor100’sWorkshop on
Biosensors for Cancer Diagnosisin July 2016, we are now planning a 2-day conference to explore this issue
and the opportunities for sensor technology in more depth.
You are invited to submit an Abstract for Oral Presentation at the
conference on any of the topics below.