February 2017
Sensor People in the News
Microsystems EngineerWins Award for Dissertation
on Multiplatform Biosensors for Diagnosing
Dr.-Ing. Can Dincer
Head of the Nanosensors group
University of Freiburg
Dr.-Ing. Can Dincer is currently group
leader at the Department of Microsystems
Engineering (IMTEK) at the University of
Freiburg and leads the working group Nanosensors at the Labora-
tory for Sensors since 2013.
Having completed his studies in microsystems engineering, Dr. Dinc-
er graduated from the Technical Faculty of the University of Freiburg.
He received his PhD degree with honors in 2016 through his work
on the topic “Electrochemical microfluidic multiplexed biosensor
platform for point-of-care testing”.
Dr. Dincer has been awarded the second place in Gips-SchüleYoung
Scientist Award for his dissertation on the optimization of biosen-
sor systems for diagnosing diseases.The Gips-Schüle Foundation held
the competition for outstanding dissertations in the so-called STEM
fields (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) for the
second time. First prize is rewarded with 10,000 euros, second prize
5,000 euros, and third prize 2,500 euros.
Dr. Dincer’s CV